Sunday, August 3, 2008

Omaha Shows and Workshop

Wow! These ladies know how to make a girl feel like a Rock Star! Everywhere we went I saw posters for the show and the workshops -- strange, but seriously cool.

The performance went exceedingly well -- there had never been a fire show before at a club in Omaha, so it wasn't too difficult to impress them, but I still feel like I did well. Though the owner missed both shows (lol!), he heard infinite praise and is very happy that he flew me out to perform.

The turnout for the workshop wasn't as high as I'd hoped, but everyone learned quite a bit and we had a great time! Since many of them hadn't seen a live poi performance, at the end I did a little glow show for them with Kathryn's glowing poi from Flow Toys, and that was great fun.

Also, despite popular opinion that states otherwise, people in Omaha do indeed know how to party hardy. I now know this from personal experience.

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