Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vancouver Visit and Diversity Festival

Now that was a vacation! What a treat to spend time with Nick and his lovely roomie, Alex. Nick recruited me to help teach his twice weekly beginners class, which was great fun, and I got to take the advanced class afterward.

We took a whole day and three ferries to get out to the Diversity Festival on Texada Island and had an absolute blast. Nick gave a brilliant performance on the main stage, and I got to spin fire on the beach!

I left with two awesome souvenirs: a hipsack designed by the nicinator himself, and a set of fire poi that nick made a few years ago. He gave me the poi because mine are MIA from Wildfire and I perform the day after I get back to Indy. Thoughtful, eh?
We had two fun outings as well. First we went hiking on Mt Seymour with Alex. It was snowy! I was slipping and sliding all over the place, and spent more time on my booty than my feet on the way back down! Second we went to see Cirque du Soleil's new show, Corteo, right before Nick took me back to the airport. What a lovely send-off for an amazing visit! Woo!